Monday, December 18, 2006

Err… Jacen? When did you start not listening to the will of the force? – Tempest Review

Rock a bye Allana
In the tree top
When the Sith blow
The Galaxy will rock
When your Family find’s out
My card’s will fall
And your daddy’s butt
Will go through that wall

First up, Allana was cute… Really, really, cute. Although it was a pity that her secret didn’t come out – beside’s the fact Luke and Mara unwittingly figured who she really was – but with every member of the Skywalker/Solo Family (with the exception of Ben – I’ll get to him later) breathing down Jacen’s neck, I don’t blame Tenel Ka for not telling them the truth about Allana.

Jacen is definitely not on his family’s most popular list, and I don’t think Jacen’s on the path he’s meant to be on either, unfortunately Jacen himself has not realized this.

The ‘mine’ vision is the giveaway, to that point. The way I figure it, Anakin Skywalker is yelling his head off (well he would be if he still had one) at Jacen, trying to tell him ‘You’re destiny is not mine’ just in the same way as Anakin told Leia ‘Just because I went bad doesn’t mean you’re children will.’ Actually I think Anakin is the one sending the vision’s of pain to Jacen, he’s trying to get Jacen to stop and think.

To the GA, Jacen is white knight… but you know they say about them.

At least Luke has gotten Ben away from Jacen, even though it was forcefully, he wasn’t been trained properly and I think Jacen may have done another memory rub on Ben, because Ben was Jacen’s best friend again – I hope Ben manages to unblock those rub’s… then everything will really hit the fan.

We didn’t get much of a look into Ben’s mind which is a pity…

It was interesting to have a look into Jaina’s dream’s, it told us that Jaina still hadn’t entirely got over her time as a Joiner – or her feeling’s for certain Jagged Fel… Which makes me wonder what will happen when she finds out he’s still alive, and now that he’s a scoundrel… Jag had better have a bucket of ice water handy if he doesn’t want Jaina back - because you know how Skywalker/Solo women love their scoundrel’s.

Lumiya may be dead after the fight she had with Luke, but with Denning you need a cold hard dead body to be sure, so I’m not holding my breath.

Okay onto the book as a whole, it was better than Denning’s last outing, easier to follow, more like SBS and TG and hardly a bug in sight. It was a good solid read.
